About this route

A 10k walk across Zoutelande, climb one of the land’s highest dunes, the Dishoek woods thrown in for fun.

The land of the rising dunes, this is, with the peaks near Groot-Valkenisse trying their hardest to be 46 metres above sea level. Job well done, for them, and for you, reaching the dune summit. Your reward: the view over Walcheren and the Westerschelde.

This very spot, between Zoutelande and Vlissingen, is where the ships almost kiss the shore. Mwah! Kiss me quick, sailor! The opposite shore has an explosion of colour in its fields and pastures, dotted with spikey church spires in villages galore.

Walk back to Zoutelande through the woods. You can’t see the trees for a tank road block and some WWII bunkers. Are you up to conquering some concrete? Pop into the Bunker Museum, then!

Sights on this route

  • 71
  • 13
  • 22
  • 23
  • 27
  • 24
  • 21
  • 75
  • 74
  • 71
  • 13
  • 22
  • 23
  • 27
  • 24
  • 21
  • 75
  • 74