Free spaces for your camper van

Free spaces for your camper van
Camper vans – confusingly known as ‘campers’ in Dutch – are most welcome and very popular in Zeeland.
You’re as free as a bird so stay as long as you want. In Zeeland, it’s always tempting to move on to the next discovery. Follow an ANWB route of the Dutch touring club. take each day as it comes, relishing the freedom of your own route. .
You can park your camper van at a good many campsites in Zeeland – they often have special spaces. Some drivers prefer this; others opt for simpler sites. These have fewer facilities, or none at all, but the stay is low-cost, or even free.
The Camperclub Nederland lists 11 free sites for camper vans in Zeeland, with spaces for 45 camper vans all together.
Hansweert (Werfdijk / Voorhaven) 5 spaces
The village basks on the banks of the Westerschelde. Two nearby canals: Het Kanaal through Zuid-Beveland, and the Schelde-Rijnkanaal.
Baarland (Torenstraat) 2 spaces
Tucked away in ‘Zak van de Zuid-Beveland’ this is just village is as pretty as they come, with flowery dikes and magnificent polders. The Westerschelde estuary is just a stroll away. Downtown is the former castle Slot Baarland. The railway station is served by the Goes-Borsele steam train. Choo choo!Graauw (Zandbergsestraat) 1 space
Paal (Zeedijk v.d. Alsteinpolder) 1 space
Emmadorp (Emmaweg) 1 space
Three spaces, on the edge of the Verdronken Land van Saeftinghe nature reserve, an amazing area of salt marshes. Graauw is to its south-west, with the Paal tidal harbour nearby. To the east, Emmadorp and visitor centre Het Zeeuwse Landschap.
Vogelwaarde (Populierenstraat) 2 spaces
The name (‘waard’ = polder) hails from the creek De Vogel between Vogelwaarde en Hengstdijk. The De Vogel campsite has a couple of spaces for camper vans too.
Hulst (Havenfort, free after 17:00) 15 spaces
Hulst stands out as one of the best preserved fortified towns in the Netherlands. In Dutch, it’s described as ‘Bourgondische’, a catch-all misnomer for fun-lovin’, food-lovin’ places and people. Hulst is loved by serious shoppers, and has a long-prowling connection with the medieval tale Of Reynaert the Fox.
Westdorpe (Bernhardstraat) 2 spaces
Next door is the Canisvliet nature area with old creek beds, woods and meadow. The rare lesser marshwort, related to celery, has made one of its few Dutch homes here.
Axel (Kinderdijk) 2 spaces
The locals are called êêrpelkappers, after their evident need to glean post-harvest remnants of the potato crop. Check out the Het Warenhuis Museum, and see what you know about barcodes. What’s in a game?
Sas van Gent (Binnenhaven) 4 spaces
Sas van Gent lolls alongside the Kanaal van Gent on the way to Terneuzen. Belgium is just round the corner, too. At Carnaval – a very old tradition here – it’s called Betekoppenstad after sugar beet, harvested months before.
Terneuzen (Binnenvaartweg) 4 spaces and (Haarmanweg) 4 spaces
Loads to see here, so you might want to slow your pace. The imposing sluices of the Portaal van Vlaanderen, for starters. Its interactive experience centre is the place to learn more about the sluices, the busy shipping and the harbours. Highlights include the bridge cellar deep down below, and the view from the radar tower. A place worthy of superlatives.
Kloosterzande (Hulsterweg) 2 spaces
The Kruiningen – Perkpolder ferry used to come here. The views in once-separate Zeeland-Flanders (‘Het landje apart’) are superb. In Hotel de Linde, a treasure chest of old Dutch games in the Pierbol amusement hall. Yes, you may play.