Museums in West Zeeland-Flanders

Museums in West Zeeland-Flanders
History comes alive in our many museums. Each one has a special tale to tell, unique traces to track, particular patterns to plot. At the Visserijmuseum in Breskens, we explain not just the ships, equipment and catches of generations of Bressian fisher folk, but their beliefs and customs too.
In Aardenburg, the Archeologisch Museum breathes real adventure into archaeology with life-size soldiers and citizenry of the days of the Romans. Got a bright idea? There are inventions aplenty in the Museum Bizarium in Sluis: some were mere doodles on paper until they got here. And even wondered how people held out against decades of attacks behind the Staats Spanish defence Lines? Het Bolwerk Museum in Ijzendijke will tell you.
Discover all museums in West-Zeeuws-Vlaanderen on this page.