Chalets and mobile homes in Zeeland
A super way to enjoy Zeeland is having a chalet or mobile home. You’re out in the open, but you’re indoors as well with all the comforts – what better way to go camping? Ideal for a family holiday, or just the two of you. There’s so much choice in the campsites of Zeeland, and elsewhere in the province in many chalets , great for lovers of our great outdoors.
Camping in luxury
You get the best of both holidaying worlds with a mobile home or chalet: the luxury of a holiday home and the charm of camping. The outdoors of a convivial campsite, but none of the hassles of tents and tent poles. And – for a change – no caravan to tow. Holiday on arrival. The kids get a decent bed, and there’s a proper bathroom, just for you!
The in-site story
Zeeland is fantastic for getting out and about, but just hunkering down in your chalet or mobile home is fun too. People soon make friends on campsites, and you can get most things from the site shop or farm shop, or just down the road. Fresh bread, Zeeland cheese and fruit juices. On the doorstep: the playground, and the pool is nearer than the distance you’ll swim. Bet you!
Chalets and mobile homes
On the coast
You’ll find chalets and mobile homes galore on the coast. And on the estuaries of the Oosterschelde and Westerschelde, and fringing the lakes of Veerse Meer and Grevelingen. The larger parks provide entertainment, while the friendly small ones (motto: peace and quiet) just let you be. Let it be. Oh let it be.
Yep, off to the beach again! Hire, or invest in, a beach cart. Ain’t it good, summer on the beach? A tentative dip of the toes. A right royal swim. And how time flies when you’re hunting crabs, building sandcastles, together, or on your ownsome. Thing is, you’re never really alone on holiday.
A home for all seasons
Outside the summer, your mobile home or chalet is perfect for the early or late season. All cosily gathered around the heater. Hezellug bie ‘t kacheltje. A good time to turn to another side of Zeeland, indoors and outdoors. Treat yourselves with a brisk winter walk: those rosy cheeks, cold hands and a runny nose are – go on, admit it – part of the fun. What’s the bestest bit of all? Scampering back inside a nice snug chalet, wrapping yourself round some hot chocolate or mulled wine. With one of them bolus pastries. Yummy!