
Kortgene is the only place with its own charter on Noord-Beveland. In effect a ‘smalstad’, one of seven Zeeuwse towns, nicknamed Kortjeen (sounds like ‘court-yen’). Water sports aficionados love it here.

The history of Kortgene

In the 1600s, a flood destroyed Kortgene. In the late seventeenth century, the village reclaimed the land and had a church once more. Previous floods left only a church spire standing and the fifteenth-century church tower is now the oldest monument on Noord-Beveland.

The German occupying army stole the church bells, called ‘Suzanne’, in the Second World War. The bells were returned to the church after the Liberation of 1945 – in fact, the Kortgene church was the only one on Noord-Beveland to ring its old bells again.

The corn mill ‘De Korenbloem’ dates back to 1873 and went without its sails for ages. It has happily been restored to its former glory now and is open to visitors on Saturdays.

Grass drying

Kortgene and the countryside around are famed for its grass drying, with chimneys and smoke plumes visible from far away. And let’s not forget the distinctive smell emanating from the drying grass, if the wind is from the right quarter, that is. The farms dry alfalfa out, before bundling it into pellets and bales of feed for cattle.

Veerse Meer

Now, Kortgene is a tourist destination, thanks to the nearby Veerse Meer. Everywhere you look, there are shops and terraces to enjoy. The Delta Marina has around 700 moorings, for the many water sport lovers who frequent Kortgene.


There are regular events in Kortgene, the Smalstadfeesten being a prime example. All around the Delta Marina this is music-filled fair with plenty of food and drink for all. Find out about this event and what else is on in Kortgene on our events calendar.


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