Zeeland recipes and ingredients

What you see is what you get. Mussels, bolus pastries, babbelaar candies. It’s what Zeeland does, local produce. What we call ‘du terroir’ in French. To make real local produce visible, we have developed the certified ‘Zeker Zeeuws’ ® quality label. It means ‘sure to be Zeeland’. We say everything ‘uut de buurte’, from nearby.

Taste it, taste Zeeland

Sprouts, asparagus, blackcurrants, anchovies, our renowned sturdy beers, lamb, cheese and other delicacies galore! They are all products of Zeeland, available directly from the producer. The aficionados of local Zeeland produce – fisher folk, growers, breeders, dairy makers, catering entrepreneurs and retail traders – are united in this. And the foundation

Stichting Zeker Zeeuws Streekproduct brings all the produce together under the certified label.


To be certified as Zeker Zeeuws, a product must be from Zeeland, processed here and sustainably produced. Details: www.zekerzeeuws.nl


Attention is also paid to artisanal products from butchers, growers, breeders and bakers, and handicrafts and personal care products from Zeeland. More information about local produce and the region is available in book form.


There are 12 ‘Lekker Zeeuws’ bike routes which you can take to go and taste, or buy, local produce. Try them on a café terrace or at one of the companies involved. And see the crops as they grow in fields and orchards along the way. To discover Zeeland, try these products!