What makes Zoutelande so special?

What makes Zoutelande so special?

Zoutelande: Zeeland’s seaside village, which lies behind the highest dunes in Walcheren, has the most hours of sunshine in the Netherlands. An ideal destination for sun-worshippers! Many cycling and walking enthusiasts find their way to Zoutelande too, via a network of trails which wends its way through the dunes. Want to know what makes Zoutelande so special? If so, read on ...

Zoutelande’s beaches

Zoutelande has south-facing beaches. Because of Zoutelande’s location, along with neighbouring Dishoek and Westkapelle, it is sometimes referred to as the Zeeland Rivièra. Zoutelande is a seaside resort for all the family. A narrow line of dunes and a dyke separate the village from the sea. The dunes are the highest in the vicinity. The beach has a Blue Flag in recognition of its clean and safe sands.

Beach houses Zoutelande

Some of the highest dunes in the Netherlands

At 30 to 45 metres, some of the Netherlands’ highest dunes can be found in Zoutelande. Due to their height and the rising air currents, this is the perfect spot for paragliding. At beach access no. 10 (Vossehol), there is an official paragliding site (as long as you have a B2 EASA license). On busy days this provides quite a magnificent sight when you arrive at Zoutelande! Would you rather keep your feet on the ground? Hikers can indulge their desires by taking a walk through the lofty dunes. The path along the dunes affords magnificent views across Walcheren and the estuary of the Westerschelde.
Some of the Netherlands’ highest dunes can be found in Zoutelande

St Catharine’s church

In the centre of the village is the 13th century church of St Catharine. The church, with its square stone tower is a local landmark. The building is visible from the dunes and from the Zoutelande’s sea front. Over the centuries, the village developed around the church. Amongst the buildings which make up the village are many restaurants, shops, holiday lets and other facilities.

The church of St Catharine underwent major restoration work in 2011. This included repointing work on the inside and outside walls of the building, damaged as a result of salt erosion. And instead of pews, the church now has chairs.

St Catharine’s church

Bunker museum

Close to Zoutelande’s high dunes is the Bunker Museum. The museum tells the history of the coastal defences put in place by the Germans during the Second World War, the so-called Atlantikwall. Another part of the museum focuses on the Allied landings during the Battle of the Scheldt in November 1944. The museum consists of two separate bunkers, one of which was used as troop quarters and the other as an observation bunker. The bunkers occupy a position close to the dunes of ‘t Pauwtje. From the observation bunker which lies on higher ground, there is a fantastic view across the dunes, amongst the highest in the Netherlands.
Bunker museum Zoutelande

Zeeland Kustmarathon

During the first weekend of October, Zoutelande is host to the one of the largest sporting events in Zeeland: the Kustmarathon. It is said to be the best and most gruelling marathon in the Netherlands. The 42-kilometre run starts in Burgh-Haamstede, crosses the Oosterschelde flood defences and continues along Walcheren’s beaches. The marathon finishes in Zoutelande. The Kustmarathon is now a household name amongst marathon runners, but on the same weekend, other events are organised too. For example, the LadiesRun, Light Kustrun (coast run), MTB Toertocht (mountain-bike tour) and Wandelmarathon (walking marathon).
Zeeland Kustmarathon, Zoutelande

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in Zoutelande and surroundings