Taking your dog to the beach

Taking your dog to the beach

It doesn’t get much better than this, taking your dog to the beach. Wet nose high in the salty air, snout smothered in sand and, yep, shake out that fur in the wind. Basically, dogs just adore the endless beaches here in Zeeland. All the space in the world, and surrounded by their very own nature. Oh, the sheer bliss. Run along the shore, roll around in the sand and take a dip in the rollers. Don’t let it ever end. Any luck and other dogs’ll join in. Then the real fun begins. Wag that tail, sniff away, ring dance and then chase each other endlessly.

Long walks on the shoreline

Your dog is welcome on many of our beaches, to fool around, to go for walks. Every season has its charm whether a bleak autumn storm, a shudderingly cold winter’s day or a summery day when the sun stays on high for ages. Stroll on along the rollers, or clamber through the softer sand. At times, you’ll have just a few seagulls for company, at others, more often, there’ll be other dog owners, and walkers with no dog. Even if you say your dog does ‘nothing, really’, just remember the other people.

Restored by a beach pavilion

It’s what you do after striding out on the shore: recover at a beach pavilion. With a nice cup of hot chocolate and a Zeeuwse bolus. Your dog will be welcome in most pavilions, often with a bowl of water. Oh, please keep it quiet and on its leash, inside or on the terrace.

Dune forests

There are some great dune forests where you can walk with your dog. North of Domburg, there are the woods in the Hoogduin dunes, and the wooded grounds of the Westhoven and Berkenbosch estates near Oostkapelle – dogs must be on their leash there. You’ll find some fascinating warped, twisted and mossy trees there, and undergrowth rich in ferns.

Information boards

At every beach entrance, there are clear information boards which explain whether you can take your dog there.