Hidden gems in Zeeland
What’s the weather forecast for Zeeland this week? You can monitor the current weather, and look five days ahead. Key word here is ‘weer’ for weather – and we are the sunniest province in the land!
The Zeeland Weer app (Android and iOS) shows today’s weather, and forecasts for 5 to 14 days, with maps. It features the ‘buienradar’ (precipitation), wind strength and directions for 8 spots in Zeeland, and the times of the tides, and sunrise and sunset. Set your device to EN and it will typically flip into English meteo speak. A few mission-critical words:
(volop) zonnig = (full) sun
vanochtend / vandaag = morning / day
vanavond / vannacht = evening / night
meest droog = mostly dry
nat = wet / regen = rain